Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Another Day, Another Dollar

Another day of training… yeah, gotta love that!  I will say we are getting to eat at some nice restaurants though!  We watched a movie today that said ‘Cheonan City… the Best City in the World.’  It was hard not to chuckle at it!  They set the bar high and they’re planning on achieving that status! 

We took a tour of the campus today and that was pretty neat.  It’s a pretty nice campus.  They have a whole section that is dedicated to Special Needs students.  They offer some pretty amazing things here for those students!

We also had the opportunity to meet our Korean/English Head Teachers!  This should be very interesting… she doesn’t really speak any English!!!!  Are you kidding me right now?!?  It was funny, she was like 5 minutes late and she said, sorry I’m late, I was buying this new shirt to wear to meet you!  I’ll give her credit though, it was way cute… I’d totally wear it!  I got my schedule and I’ll be teaching 21 classes of 5th and 6th graders.  2 of those are 3rd grade classes.  Then, I’ll be teaching 2 classes for the teachers there.  We only are required to teach 22 hours, so I’ll be getting paid extra to teach the 2nd teachers class.  I’ll be teaching it during the normal time I’ll be there too, so it’s not like I have to stay longer.  Pretty sweet, huh?!?  She was asking me what some of my hobbies are and I told her I really like going to movies!  She got really excited and said me too and then asked if I’d like to go with her sometime!  She made me ‘pinky promise’ I’d go!  I found someone to go see ‘chick flicks’ with me here!!  After meeting her once, I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m going to have some great stories!! 

As we were walking around campus today, we ran into the Pastor and his wife here at International Church.  (Side Note: It’s funny b/c whenever you see a Western walking around you automatically say hi and wonder if you know them b/c there’s not a lot of foreigners here!)  We all introduced ourselves and they invited us to church.  I’m really excited to check it out b/c I’ve heard it’s really cool.  It’s an English church, but many Koreans go there!

I also found out that when I went to the bank to exchange my money the other day, I got too much back!  I took in a couple new teachers and the assistant manager was like you were here yesterday, right?  I was.  He told me that he bought my money instead of selling me money or vice versa… I really didn’t understand!  Pretty much I came out on top and made more money then I should have.  The mistake was in my favor! 

I’ve also experienced something different, that’s been pretty weird.  A lot of times when someone asks me a question or says something, Spanish has been coming to mind.  If I’m trying to figure out how to say something, I’ll say como dice _____?   Which means ‘how do you say _____.’  I’ll also respond si or say gracias.  It’s really pretty crazy.  I was telling that to one of the other new teachers and he was like yeah, me too!  Then another teacher said that her professor once told her that whenever you hear a foreign language, you subconsciously fall back to whatever foreign language are most familiar with.  Huh… who knew?!?  It’s totally true though!  There’s your new bit of information for the day! 

I’m beginning to acclimated to my surroundings more!  I’ve done a bit more exploring, which has been good!  I’m even learning some Korean words/phrases!  I know they are being patient with us, but in the inside I’m sure they are cracking up!  I’m sure we sound a bit ridiculous sometimes!  ‘A’ for effort, right?!?  Watch out… I’m going to come back fluent!  Ha… yeah right!! 

1 comment:

  1. I beat you're super excited for the new movie - Step it up: Korean Remix!
