I’ve been here a week and it’s already time to do laundry! Easier said then done! So, it takes about 3 hours to do one full load of laundry. The washer and dryer is all one machine. I started last night and only got one load done! I was able to finish it up today, but man this is going to be a chore!
I had my first day of Orientation today. There are 3 other new teachers starting this month as well. We had to start off my going to the hospital and getting a minor check-up. They did all the basics and then we had to pee in a cup. It wasn’t just any cup though, it was a paper ‘Hello Kitty’ cup! They had written our names on the outside of the cup in Korean, so that part was pretty cool! Of course, I had to take a picture of that experience!
We were taken to lunch at a very nice restaurant today. I have to remember to through socks in my bag b/c we had to remove our shoes. We sat on the ground again and it was very authentic! This time I got some pictures! The food was pretty good. I tried Kim-chi again. This time it was cucumbers and I actually could handle it. It was a little spicy, but good. It was funny b/c they brought out all of these vegetables and other side dishes. We ate and thought that was all, but then they came out 3 more times with more food! It was a lot of food… it felt like a feast! It was a neat experience though! I’ll be so cultured when I get back home! Ha!
After our orientation I walked around campus with 2 of the other new teachers. It was very comforting b/c we were able to share with each other some our anxieties and also what we were looking forward to! As we were walking we also found a park on campus and they have workout equipment there. Not your typical stuff, very Asian, but pretty cool I think! The 3 of us then went to dinner and just got to know each other better. We had genuine conversation and I have been yearning for that! It’s so hard when all you hear is Korean all day!
I’m starting to get more acclimated with the city. I’m also realizing how important my alone time is to refuel! Tonight I decided to hang out by myself b/c I hadn’t been alone all day! I went for a run down at this park/track by the University. There were all these family and kids walking and riding bikes. Korean kids will melt your heart with their cuteness… oh I love it! Then, when I was walking home there was a little boy about the same age as Brenlie and Darby and he just looked up at me and stopped. I said ‘Hi’ and he got this big smile and started laughing! It was the cutest thing! It made me totally miss all my kiddos at home though!
The weather was beautiful here today! It’s hot during the day, but then at night it really cools off. I like it! I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend! It’s time like this that I miss being with my family!
Oh, I forgot one more funny story from China. We were riding a bus and the driver kept jerking on the clutch an Joel was like this guy can’t drive. I looked up to see what was going on and I realized the bus driver was texting!! Are you kidding me, a bus full of people and you are texting?!?
Enjoy some pictures!
'Rebecca' in Korean:
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