Sunday, September 13, 2009

Routine Back In Swing

And just like that, I’ve been back in school for 2 weeks. It has been an interesting 2 weeks, that’s for sure! I was so excited to get back to see my kiddos! I went 6 weeks without seeing them, I missed them! They sure can be ornery , but they’re so cute when they do it!

But, if I had to be honest, I’d have to say the last 2 weeks have been the toughest thus far. My head teacher and I have been clashing. Korean education is very different! Therefore, my teacher and I have disagreed on things. I think my biggest frustration is the fact that I’m not teaching in her class, at all! On Thursdays and Fridays I sit in my classroom b/c she ways she has to teach alone. The students have a very important test coming up in October so she has to prepare them for it! I’m not going to go into all of the details, but if you’d help me pray for the situation, it’d be greatly appreciated!

I am choosing to have good days though! There are bright spots throughout my day and I need to focus on them! My students give me material to share with you all the time! J Here are a few of my favorite happenings over the past couple of weeks!

One day, I had 3 6th graders who came into my classroom during every break they had. The boy speaks pretty good English, so he translates for the girls. They were telling me and asking me all sorts of things. They pointed to my eyes and said “Oh, big eyes teacher.” And then told me my nose was high. They asked if I had my face fixed?!? (Meaning—have I had plastic surgery?) In Korea, their eyes are obviously not wide; so many people have surgery and have their top layer of skin removed on their eyelids. This is very common for actors and models, but many teachers here say they’ve seen their high school and middle school students have the procedure done. They also don’t have a bridge in their noses for the most part. Some people have reconstructive surgery to get bridges put in. So, b/c I did not look like them and b/c it’s common in their culture to have those tings done, they asked if I’ve had my ‘face fixed’! I chuckled a little and said no. They smiled and said, “Oh, very beautiful, teacher.” They want to look more westernized. That concept is so interesting to me, b/c I think Koreans are beautiful! I guess the grass is always greener on the other side!

Korean are very blunt when it comes to comments about your physical appearance. Sometimes it can hurt your feelings, but other times it can make your day! I told you I’ve been sick for the past few weeks. I haven’t had much of an appetite so I haven’t been eating a lot. And, if you’re not eating, you’re obviously going to lose weight. My first week back I had a group of my 6th grade boys, 6th Grade Boys, come up to me and say, “Teacher, you (point to me), small (put hands in a ‘smaller’ gesture).” 6th Grade BOYS said this! Yeah, they’re my favorites now! J

My teacher decided to let her 6th graders out of class 5-10 minutes early on Friday. I had no idea she was doing this. So, I had a group of 6th graders come in and act like crazy kids for a bit. It was funny though b/c the boys started arm wrestling with each other. Then, one boy came up to me and ask if he could arm wrestle me. Of course I said yes! He was good and he beat me. Then another boy wanted to try. He wasn’t quite so lucky. Come on, I couldn’t let them all beat me!

Of course my teachers can help me with stories too! We can do the most random things when I am with them. One of the first days back, my teacher came in and asked if I like grapes. Of course I do. So we went down to the ‘teacher’s room,’ which is also the Vice Principal’s office and sat and ate grapes with about 8-10 other teachers. They talked in Korean and were laughing and having a great time. I sat there and smiled. This is definitely one of the those times I wished there were subtitles so I could understand what they were saying. Something appeared to be hilarious! It was a fun afternoon though. This was definitely one of those ‘I’m in Korea?!?!’ moments!

Things get lost in translation a lot here. I know this isn’t what my teacher was meaning, but this is what she said. I told you we disagreed on a few things. Well, we had a pretty heated discussion. Later in the week we were talking and she said, “From the first day we met until last week I like you. But then after that, I don’t like you.” Wow, again I now that’s not exactly what she meant, but that’s what she said!

But all was right after the next day. I was walking into school one morning and there were about 4 teachers standing outside taking temperatures of the students b/c of the ‘swine flu’ scare. One teacher, who I don’t even know that well said, “Oh Becky” and then came at me with this big smile. She grabbed me and hugged me, she hugged me! It made my day!

My teachers do surprise me quite often. One day in the afternoon, I wasn’t feeling well so I thought I’d go to the nurse. There were about 6 other teachers when I went in. I told her I wasn’t feeling well, so she had me lay down. One of the teachers sitting there, which is one of the guys I play volleyball with, asked me why I didn’t go talk to the principal. He told me I should tell him I’m not feeling well, so I could go home. I told him it was okay and I could just stay here. He asked me why I didn’t want to go and talk to the principal. I told him I was scared to tell my principal that. He laughed and said, “Me too! I’m scared!” Oh that gave me confidence to talk to him! My principal did let me go home though, so I was very appreciative!

I’m reminded often that life is all about the ups and downs. Life is about the journey and your experiences, not the destination! I’m trying to remember this as I go through my days! I’m having the experience of a life time! God is good and He’s teaching me stuff daily! I know He is molding me and chipping away at me all at the same time. It’s a good place to be!

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